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Great Expectations Broché – 8 avril 2019
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- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée407 pages
- LangueAnglais
- Date de publication8 avril 2019
- Dimensions15.24 x 2.34 x 22.86 cm
- ISBN-101093215380
- ISBN-13978-1093215380
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Détails sur le produit
- Éditeur : Independently published (8 avril 2019)
- Langue : Anglais
- Broché : 407 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1093215380
- ISBN-13 : 978-1093215380
- Poids de l'article : 689 g
- Dimensions : 15.24 x 2.34 x 22.86 cm
- Commentaires client :
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Commentaires client
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile5 étoiles67%21%8%2%2%67%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile4 étoiles67%21%8%2%2%21%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile3 étoiles67%21%8%2%2%8%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile2 étoiles67%21%8%2%2%2%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile1 étoile67%21%8%2%2%2%
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- Avis laissé en France le 7 octobre 2011"Great expectations" a rejoint la liste de mes best-books-ever, ceux que je me promets de lire et relire et dont je sais que je ne me lasserais jamais. Ce livre est une merveille et une surprise pour moi. J'avais entendu parlé des talents de narrateur de Dickens mais l'avais imaginé plus axé sur les histoires dramatiques et larmoyantes d'orphelins soumis aux pires horreurs durant leur enfance - souvenirs des films sur Oliver Twist et David Copperfield vus durant mon enfance et qui m'ont traumatisé...
"Great expectations" parle bien d'un orphelin dont le début dans la vie est plutôt difficile et triste et les 'expectations' au début du roman plutot limités mais le ton du récit change tout. Ce roman est profond, touchant, émouvant mais est surtout pour moi très drôle par moments. Le "dry humour" de 'Pip' qui revient sur les premières années de sa vie avec un regard assez cynique m'a conquis.
- Avis laissé en France le 29 septembre 2014One of Mr Dickens' most popular and we know why ! We go from expectation to frustration and disappointment, and again expectation - with, at the very bottom of our feelings, as well in the characters' feelings, the inextinguishable hope for better days and happiness - some event Fate has in store for us that will change our lives. We'll learn through these pages, above all, that "expecting" is far from being enough and that everyone has to create his/her opportunity and has to work hard to fulfill his/her dreams rather than expect...
- Avis laissé en France le 1 avril 2022Rien à redire sur le roman en lui même. C'est du Dickens, j'avais lu David Copperfield il y a quelques années, et c'est un réel plaisir de se replonger dans ce style, écrit à la première personne.
En revanche, une étoile en moins pour la qualité du livre précisément. Je mets un point d'honneur à acheter mes livres en anglais, chez Penguin, depuis des années, car c'est vraiment une super maison d'édition qui propose de beaux ouvrages. Là, malheureusement, ce n'est pas le cas ! C'était la première fois que je commandais un livre dans cette collection (Penguin English Library) après avoir été familier des Penguin Classics et des Modern Classics pendant des années, ces deux derniers étant de loin au dessus en terme de qualité pure de l'objet, et pour le même prix.
Donc, si vous pouvez, essayez de prendre quelques minutes supplémentaires afin de trouver ces éditions là. C'est ce que je viens juste de faire pour A tale of two cities. C'est vrai que ce sont les modèles Penguin English Library qui ressortent souvent en premier maintenant, lorsque l'on effectue une recherche sur internet (vivent les algorithmes !), mais les deux autres sont encore tout à fait trouvables, et cela assez facilement, donc pourquoi se priver ? Vous pouvez me croire quand je vous dis, si comme moi la qualité du livre que vous tenez entre vos mains est importante, que ça en vaut la peine.
Bonne lecture !
- Avis laissé en France le 3 décembre 2015Je redécouvre Charles Dickens et son étude sociétale, sa façon d'écrire, son approche humaniste. Même si l'anglais de l'époque est un peu ardue pour moi car un anglais très littéraire, armée d'un bon dictionnaire, je m'en sors et je peux apprécier ce grand auteur.
- Avis laissé en France le 28 juillet 2019Exactement celle que je voulais :)
- Avis laissé en France le 30 octobre 2014Roman acheté pour mes études LLCE anglais. Histoire sympathique mais pas transcendante.
- - - - - - - -
- Avis laissé en France le 18 avril 2013A difficult reading for a an English learner like me, but a real pleasure to read it. A novel very well built, with suspense and amazing characters. A very interesting morality. I recommend. (sorry for my english).
- Avis laissé en France le 3 mars 2025The meaning is often very difficult to grasp (outdated words, slang and expressions, frequent contractions, etc.) but the plot is also far-fetched. It was a challenge to read it to the end
Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays
GatormanTXAvis laissé aux États-Unis le 19 décembre 2024
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Very real and very relevant
Dickens has such a gift of character development that exceeds most. He gives you such detail that you can truly feel you know this person. I am no writer so this review will not do justice.
What I loved about this was how the story and the characters were as applicable today as they were in Dickens time. The judgement of people different from us, the behavior of unrequited love, making bad decisions over and again.
There are characters that you feel deeply for and love and others you want to shake by the shoulders and others you wouldn’t mind if tragedy befell them.
Pip is a character that regardless of his status cannot seem to make a wise decision. Perhaps it is because he can only think of one person and has no space for no one else. Or, he is just selfish? Others suffer his mindlessness or selfishness with grace and mercy.
The ending was great in my mind because it isn’t what you might expect or want for the ending, but it is very real. This story could easily be as relevant today with the similar attitudes and people’s personalities. Thoroughly enjoyed this and highly recommend to anyone who loves true literature.
JACQUELINE KEBAvis laissé au Mexique le 6 novembre 2023
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Excelente
lavratAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 21 septembre 2024
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Brilliant for teachers!
I am a secondary school English teacher. I was sick of squinting to read the tiny-fonted Wordsworth Classic edition whilst also trying to keep one eye on the pupils. A pupil would make a sound, so I would look up and instantly lose my place. I was also fed up of having to fight to make the small font visible under the visualiser. This book is brilliant! The font is size 18 and the line spacing is plenty big enough for annotations, should you decide to add them. There are only two disadvantages. The first is its lack of page numbers though I read ahead and add sticky notes on key pages anyway. Secondly, it is a BIG book but, so long as your desk is clear and tidy, that should not be an issue. Both my pupils and I think this book is great.
lavratBrilliant for teachers!
Avis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 21 septembre 2024
Images dans cette revue
Katja H. LabontéAvis laissé au Canada le 7 juillet 2021
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Excellently Well Done
5 stars & 5/10 hearts. Every time I start reading this book again, I realized I forgot how much I love it. In the first place, the setting is excellent. Dickens is a master at creating mood by his setting. And then there are the characters.
- Pip. As a kid he’s so pathetic and appealing, but as soon as Estella appears he gets just so mean to Joe and Biddy. He is good to Herbert, and Miss Havisham, and towards the end to Magwitch, but for the most part he’s just silly and weak and stupid. However, he did have a good deal of love and good in him at times, so overall, I like him, but I can’t respect him or love him until the end, where he becomes a good, strong man.
- Joe. I love Joe so much. What a MAN he was! I never before realized the reason he allowed Mrs. Joe to rule him and beat him & Pip, but this time I got it and I almost cried. Poor dear Joe, trying so hard! And then his explanation for why he didn’t interfere with Pip & Mrs. Joe… and his complete acceptance of the Magwitch & Pip affair in the marshes… and just all his speeches! He’s just so full of goodness and wisdom and love. <3
- Miss Havisham. The woman was crazed by betrayal and intense hurt. You can’t hate her for what she did. She was good and kind when she could be, and her repentance was genuine.
- Estella. She was proud and cold and hard, but somehow you could see that was all she knew and all she could be, because of Miss Havisham. On her own she would have been, or could be, such a warm, loving woman. I like to think Pip won her in the end, after his years of unswerving adoration. I think she made him a good wife. <3
- Magwitch. At first, Magwitch is coarse and brutal and frightening. But when you find who he is, you can’t help loving the poor man. Had he had help at any time in his career, he would have turned into a good man. Even as it was, he had a kind heart and a sort of quiet trust in God. His story is heartbreaking and such a good reminder not to judge by appearances, and to give help whenever we can to those who struggle with the law. Compeyson, on the other hand, is pure evil, and so is Orlick.
- Jaggers. I can’t love Jaggers. He is a little too close to the wrong side of the law for my comfort. He also terrorizes everyone. He does have some good in him, though, and I think he could have been a good man if a woman had loved him and helped him. Wemmick is a humorous, shrewd character whom I hugely enjoyed, especially with his Aged (whom he treated so well! <3).
- Herbert is a dear, and that’s all to be said of him. <3 He deserved his Clara. The Pockets were all so funny, although a little annoying. Mrs. P. was an idiot and Mr. P. was a very weak man. Startop was great. Biddy is a darling. Mrs. Joe was awful, but I wish we knew why she was like she was though. Mr. Pumblechook and Mr. Wopsle are hilarious. Pumblechook is an old fraud and I despise him, but Wopsle is just an amusing idiot. The Hubbles are minor but amusing parts as well. Though I can’t understand why on earth they all ganged up on Pip that way.
The plot is really the slow revelation of all these characters. It’s intriguing. Also at times exciting and at times relaxed, very often funny, sometimes sad, other times reflective. Dickens is a master at weaving threads together and Great Expectations is a great example. Overall, I think the theme of the book is “don’t judge people by what they are, but who they are,” and it teaches this very well.
A Favourite Quote: “I had little objection to his being seen by Herbert or his father, for both of whom I had a respect; but I had the sharpest sensitiveness as to his being seen by Drummle, whom I held in contempt. So, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise.”
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “The best light of the day was gone when I passed along the quiet echoing courts behind the High Street. The nooks of ruin where the old monks had once had their refectories and gardens, and where the strong walls were now pressed into the service of humble sheds and stables, were almost as silent as the old monks in their graves. The cathedral chimes had at once a sadder and a more remote sound to me, as I hurried on avoiding observation, than they had ever had before; so, the swell of the old organ was borne to my ears like funeral music; and the rooks, as they hovered about the gray tower and swung in the bare high trees of the priory garden, seemed to call to me that the place was changed, and that Estella was gone out of it for ever.”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “I had observed at church last Sunday, when I accidentally held our Prayer-Book upside down, that it seemed to suit his convenience quite as well as if it had been all right. Wishing to embrace the present occasion of finding out whether in teaching Joe, I should have to begin quite at the beginning, I said, “Ah! But read the rest, Jo.”
“The rest, eh, Pip?” said Joe, looking at it with a slow, searching eye, “One, two, three. Why, here's three Js, and three Os, and three J-O, Joes in it, Pip!” …
“How do you spell Gargery, Joe?” I asked him, with a modest patronage.
“I don't spell it at all,” said Joe.
“But supposing you did?”
“It can't be supposed,” said Joe.
Amazon CustomerCommenté en Belgique le 23 mars 2024
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Great classic
A great classic from the Victorrian master (Charles Dickens) in a beautiful and low-priced paperback edition from Oxford World Classics!